The Lion Tamer

Photo: E Cooper

There was loud cheering and applause in the circus tent.

The lion tamer closed the steel door of the cage behind her and turned to speak to the audience.

‘Thank you! Thank you!’ she shouted. ‘You are too kind.’ She adjusted her red waistcoat and black britches and cracked her whip.

‘I expect that it surprised you to see a girl like me keeping these male lions under control – they are so big! Perhaps you were frightened when I put my head into Boris's massive mouth – he's the biggest of the big!’ She laughed loudly. The audience laughed, too.

‘But you shouldn’t be surprised at all. Nowadays, doesn’t discipline triumph over savagery? Don’t rationality and reason – based on scienctific understanding – get the upper hand over the desires of wild beasts?

‘Indeed, I guarantee that you could walk through a parkland of lions such as mine without being in any danger – even at night. You would be safe because of the good behaviour and decorum I taught them when they were only cubs …’

The cheers of the audience interrupted her briefly.

‘... and you’d have no need of the strong arms of God which delivered Daniel from the lions’ den. Did you notice that Daniella is my first name?’

Laughter was heard here and there.

‘But, ladies and gentlemen, don’t take my word for it. Shall we put my theory to the test?’

She turned on her heel and gave a wave to someone who was hidden behind the curtains. He pressed a button on his computer and the safety cage began to rise into the air like a helicopter towards the roof of the tent, removing the only defence separating the audience and the lions.



Fo na Ditheanan 


An Smachdair Leòmhainn